
See how customers engage with your digital product.

Boost sales with AI-powered eye-tracking validation for your website, e-commerce shop, ads, or other digital products and get optimized recommendations from our UX/UI experts.

Catching your audience's attention is harder than ever.

With our AI eye-tracking simulation tool, discover where your clients look and what truly matters. Gain valuable insights for captivating your audience and optimizing your conversion rate.

Get crucial performance feedback.

Our design experts will assess your website using our eye-tracking AI tool. They will analyze your layout and provide you with a detailed review on how to optimize it with your existing elements.

1. Pick a plan

Choose the right plan that suits your needs. Whether you prefer a basic analysis or a complete layout redesign without major brand identity changes.

2. Submit your link

Upon selecting your desired plan, proceed to the checkout and submit the specific subpages you would like to have inspected.

3. Analyse process

Once you have submitted your pages, our team will be notified and they will commence their work promptly. Within the next 24 hours, they will thoroughly inspect the submitted links, conduct an eye-tracking AI simulation, and prepare a customized report for you.

4. Get a PDF review

We will provide you with a PDF containing the AI-generated results, along with a review outlining areas that require improvement, recommended changes, and aspects that are satisfactory. Our objective is to minimize the necessary modifications to ensure cost-effective development.

Ready to get started?










Still not sure? Read what people say 👇

Check other examples of eye tracking.

Our tool effectively simulates human behavior without the need for actual eye-tracking devices or testers. The accuracy rate reaches an impressive 96%, closely resembling human behavior. 

Frequently asked questions

Attention predictions are 90% accurate for web images, and 94% accurate for non-web images—based on results comparisons to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s data set of images and eye-tracking data.

BEPET Ltd. is a small Slovenian-based company primarily focused on software development, A.I. development, user research, and user-centered design.

In recent years, we have been primarily involved in customizing software solutions for companies and their users, allowing us to gain extensive industry experience.

** If you need any additional information send us an email at: info@bepet.org

If you choose the monthly plan we adopt a dedicated approach by working on one project at a time for you. This ensures that we can fully concentrate our attention and resources on the task at hand, guaranteeing the timely delivery of high-quality work.

Sure, no problem! Just send us an email at info@bepet.org.

Figma is the primary software we use for developing design projects.

Our team consists of experienced professionals who are committed to delivering outstanding design services. Whether it’s creating webistes, animations or custom illustrations, we leverage our expertise and collaborate with a network of trusted partner designers to ensure exceptional and high-quality outcomes.

At the checkout, you will find a field where you can enter up to three links. Simply input your desired URLs, and you’re all set to proceed.

No problem! Send us an email at info@bepet.org!

Boost you website now.

And thank us later.


Julian Alps Trail Run

Spletni marketing

julian alps

Od ideje do razprodanih tekaških mest zgolj v enem letu. Z ekipo JA Trail smo skupaj oblikovali vizualno podobo in spletno mesto, ki je pisana na kožo tekačem, ki uživajo v naravi. Hkrati smo velik poudarek dali tudi marketingu. Z marketingom na družbenih omrežjih smo ljudem uspeli približati neznani dogodek, s katerim smo uspeli “zapolniti” Kranjsko Goro. Letos sledi druga izdaja, njej pa so/smo dodali še posebno tekaško ligo.


Kaj smo naredili:


Raziskava ciljne publike



+ 20 %
različnih držav
+ 65 %
več povpraševanja
+ 100 %
več prijav

Od ideje do realizacije:

Julian Alps Trail Run se je uvodno leto začel pod imenom Kranjska Gora Trail Run. Uspešen dogodek je organizatorjem ponudil možnost, da celoten tekaški dogodek še povečajo, tako se je rodila zgodba o JAtrail. Obstoječ logotip smo nekoliko poenostavili in preoblikovali ter posodobili celotno spletno stran. Poudarek na spletni strani je bil predvsem na izražanju zgodbe z močnim fotomaterialom za obiskovalce, ki dogodka še ne poznajo.

Raziskava in vizualna podoba:

Pogovor z ekipo Julian Alps Trail Run nam je omogočil vpogled v tekaški svet, kar je bilo ustrezno za definiranje persone oziroma “tekaškega uporabnika”. Z ustrezno analizo smo ugotovili, kaj so najpogostejše navade tekačev in kako smiselno postaviti elemente na spletni strani za čim lažjo navigacijo ter čim bolj uspešno prodajo. Pri vizualnem delu smo poleg grafike posebno pozornost posvečali fotomaterialu, ki se je pri raziskavi izkazal kot ključen element pri vzpostavitvi prve pozitivne interakcije z uporabnikom.

Postavitev in marketing:

Razvoj z naročnikom redno spremljamo, saj le tako lahko pridobimo optimalni rezultat končnega produkta. Stran je zaradi predhodne uporabe in izkušenj naročnika zasnovana na platformi WordPress. Dodan je vizualni urejevalnik ter integrirana zunanja registracijska forma z možnostjo direktnih transakcij in prijav. Stran je povezana z orodji in platformami za oglaševanje. S pomočjo Google Ads, FB Pixel in Instagram oglaševanja smo močno povečali konverzijo.

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