
A development company so good it should put on a warning sign.

Team of passionate coders and designers who are here to help your company succeed.

From idea to development, our company understands the unique demands of your clients—providing you with optimized design strategies and fast development.

This is how we roll.

Effective starts are our priority, so in the beginning, we take a good look at our clients. Backed by hours of research and testing, we then blend UX, UI, and Product design into one smooth process, which fuels productivity and success. Once that step is complete, we choose the right infrastructure to build the clients’ product on

A taste of what we can do

Design and development


iOS / Android hybrid application made in Flutter for experienced hunters and animal enthusiasts.

Design and development

Julian Alps

Web application with Strava and Suunto connections for an online trail run competition.


Hospital Celje

Application for contactless prescription transfers between medical employees.

What they say about us

Our key issue was getting people from social media to our website, where we can then generate as many sales as possible. We were very satisfied with the results, as we sold out our brand new running event with more than 1,200 participants and became the second largest trail running event in Slovenia.

Luka H. | Julian Alps

Our wish was to create a set of animations and thus present our laboratory work to the general public. We were very satisfied with BEPET’s work and communication, and we believe their solution will help us with wider recognition and the students’ learning process.

Luka L. | Faculty of Engineering

Together we created a website, suitable for our target audience. We are very satisfied with the results; the final product certainly met our expectations. I would especially like to praise the responsiveness and professionalism of the whole team. We will certainly work together again!

Jan K. | Soca Outdoor

The BEPET team is efficient, flexible, and can perfectly transfer your vision into the final product. They take a deep approach to web design and are mindful even of the little things, which ultimately make your product successful or not.

Jernej O. | Food Science

The first draft of the product surprised us with professionalism and details, which I would not have noticed myself. Not only did they stick to a fairly precise and quick plan, but they even overtook it, which impressed us, as our past experiences were very different.

Petra P. | Koohna

Once I published a new book, I opted for a rebrand. The new book and our new web app present a united front when it comes to graphic design. After rebranding, I noticed more bookings due to the vastly improved communication and booking process. There was a significant conversion rate increase compared to my previous product.

Janez B. | JB Restaurant

Let’s build something great together


Julian Alps Trail Run

Spletni marketing

julian alps

Od ideje do razprodanih tekaških mest zgolj v enem letu. Z ekipo JA Trail smo skupaj oblikovali vizualno podobo in spletno mesto, ki je pisana na kožo tekačem, ki uživajo v naravi. Hkrati smo velik poudarek dali tudi marketingu. Z marketingom na družbenih omrežjih smo ljudem uspeli približati neznani dogodek, s katerim smo uspeli “zapolniti” Kranjsko Goro. Letos sledi druga izdaja, njej pa so/smo dodali še posebno tekaško ligo.


Kaj smo naredili:


Raziskava ciljne publike



+ 20 %
različnih držav
+ 65 %
več povpraševanja
+ 100 %
več prijav

Od ideje do realizacije:

Julian Alps Trail Run se je uvodno leto začel pod imenom Kranjska Gora Trail Run. Uspešen dogodek je organizatorjem ponudil možnost, da celoten tekaški dogodek še povečajo, tako se je rodila zgodba o JAtrail. Obstoječ logotip smo nekoliko poenostavili in preoblikovali ter posodobili celotno spletno stran. Poudarek na spletni strani je bil predvsem na izražanju zgodbe z močnim fotomaterialom za obiskovalce, ki dogodka še ne poznajo.

Raziskava in vizualna podoba:

Pogovor z ekipo Julian Alps Trail Run nam je omogočil vpogled v tekaški svet, kar je bilo ustrezno za definiranje persone oziroma “tekaškega uporabnika”. Z ustrezno analizo smo ugotovili, kaj so najpogostejše navade tekačev in kako smiselno postaviti elemente na spletni strani za čim lažjo navigacijo ter čim bolj uspešno prodajo. Pri vizualnem delu smo poleg grafike posebno pozornost posvečali fotomaterialu, ki se je pri raziskavi izkazal kot ključen element pri vzpostavitvi prve pozitivne interakcije z uporabnikom.

Postavitev in marketing:

Razvoj z naročnikom redno spremljamo, saj le tako lahko pridobimo optimalni rezultat končnega produkta. Stran je zaradi predhodne uporabe in izkušenj naročnika zasnovana na platformi WordPress. Dodan je vizualni urejevalnik ter integrirana zunanja registracijska forma z možnostjo direktnih transakcij in prijav. Stran je povezana z orodji in platformami za oglaševanje. S pomočjo Google Ads, FB Pixel in Instagram oglaševanja smo močno povečali konverzijo.

Spletna stran za svoje delovanje in spremljanje statistike uporablja spletne piškotke, ki ne hranijo osebnih podatkov. Preberi več

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